Join Us For Some Study Torah                

Since the beginning of time, our people were dedicated to the study of our Torah, in good times and difficult times, we never stopped our pursuit to connect with G‑d through the study of His knowledge.

At Chabad, we see education as the most effective way to enhance the prospects of the future, both for the individual and for the community. Join us and become part of the adult classes we offer, from the weekly Parsha to the technical intricacies of Jewish Law, the stimulating logical analysis of the Talmud to the spirituality and meaning of Chassidus and the Kabbalah. Clarify all doubts you have about Judaism.

Study One On One

As well we provide the opportunity to set some time for a one on one study session with the Rabbi.
You pick the Topic!
You ask the Questions!
You choose the Time & Place!


For more information, or to set a study time, call Rabbi Kaplan at 705-970-7074, or email [email protected]